
挪威 / 集中供热 / Power plant

mg游戏官方网站 Varme has a licence to supply district heating in the municipalities of Moss and Rygge.

  • 2006
  • 35 MW
  • 40.2、妇女

Production primarily comes from a heating plant based on biofuel in Årvollskogen. 除了 to Årvollskogen, heat is produced at the food company Lantmännen (Mølla) in Moss and at the Mosseporten heating plant.

The plant in Moss chiefly makes use of landfill gas, oat hulls from local 行业 (Lantmännen) and bioenergy from the local area. The peak load requirement is covered by propane and butane. From autumn 2017, surplus heat from the Rockwool plant is also part of the energy mix in Moss.

苔藓区域供热 plant
苔藓区域供热 plant. (图片来源:mg游戏官方网站 Varme)


A new main network has been built to connect the supply from Årvollskogen to Moss city centre, Jeløya和Mosseporten. The district heating network is about 25 kilometres long in total.

Over 50 buildings are connected to the network, with the hospital being the largest customer. 除了, five schools and several other public buildings are connected, as well as a number of houses.


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